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Support our campaign to represent and positively impact the 9th district in Genesee County, Michigan.

We are seeking volunteers to help us along the way, and supporters who wish to hel with fundraising and outreach events. If you are interested in both or either please reach out by hitting the buttons below and filling out a form, someone from our team will contact you back and help set it up!

We appreciate your generosity and commitment to improving our community. Your donations will help us host events, create campaign materials, and reach out to constituents. We accept donations through multiple payment options such as PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, credit/debit cards, and cash if possible.


Thank you for your support!

Our focus is on representing constituents and making a positive impact in the community. We offer various initiatives to the community, and we encourage you to host or help host a campaign event for County Commissioner candidate Daryl Simpson. We will be using events to raise money, reach out to voters, and find new supporters who wish to volunteer or connect us with other people. Your event can be anything from a small gathering to a large fundraiser. Let's work together to make a difference in our community!


Join our team of dedicated volunteers and help us make a positive impact in the 9th district in Genesee County, Michigan. We welcome volunteers with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. There are many ways to volunteer, from walking door to door to helping at our campaign events, making calls to potential voters, marketing materials, and more! Let us know how you would like to contribute and we will help you get started.


We appreciate your interest in supporting our campaign and helping us raise the funds it will take to run and ultimately win this race. To ensure transparency and compliance with campaign finance laws, we have established a donation policy. We accept donations from individuals, corporations, and political action committees. We do not accept donations from foreign nationals or federal government contractors. We also limit the amount of donations from any single source to $2,000 per election cycle. Thank you for your support!

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