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🤝 Consultative Decision-Making
Unlike the current commissioners, I believe in transparent and inclusive decision-making. I pledge to actively consult with local cities and engage with constituents before making any major decisions. Your opinions and concerns will be the guiding force behind my actions.
📞 Accessibility and Accountability


I understand the frustration of having a commissioner who is impossible to reach. I am committed to being accessible, responsive, and present. My office will be open to your concerns, and I will actively participate in meetings to represent your interests.
🏛️ Preserving Local Courts
I am deeply committed to preserving the vital out-county courts that serve our communities. The current plan to centralize courts at the McCree Building raises concerns about accessibility and fairness. As your commissioner, I will advocate for a more balanced and community focused approach to ensure everyone has equal access to justice, as well as keeping your tax dollars in your community rather than downtown Flint.
🚀 Innovative Solutions and Economic Growth
I am dedicated to introducing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to our community. As your commissioner, I'll explore new avenues for economic development, job creation, and community enhancement. Together, let's embrace change and transform our district into a dynamic hub for progress and opportunity.
💼 Public-Private Partnerships
I firmly believe in the power of collaboration between the public and private sectors. Through strategic public-private partnerships, I will actively seek private investment to enhance public services and infrastructure. This approach fosters economic growth without burdening our residents with increased taxes.
Let's build a future where our community thrives, where decisions are made collaboratively, and where every voice is heard. Together, we can create positive change and ensure that the 9th District becomes a shining example of accountable and effective local governance.
Join me on this journey to put our community first and make Genesee County's 9th District a better place for us all.
🗳️ Vote Daryl Simpson for 9th District County Commissioner: "Your Voice, Your Choice."
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